
Open Wervendag 23

All eyes on construction sites


Open Wervendag (OWD), literally translated as Open Construction Sites Day, is a big day for the Kwin-Agenda! During OWD, the construction sector literally opens its doors to showcase construction projects, big and small, all over Belgium. For this edition we tried to involve people as much as possible, physically but also digitally. Because in line with our successful Instagram format, Bouwperspectief, which you can check at @zotvandebouw, we invited 3 famous photographers to show the construction sector through their lenses.

Together with Jimmy Kets, Merlin Meuris and Lara Gasparotto we looked at construction sites while discovering the construction sector from different viewpoints.

This creative approach was continued throughout the OWD event: visitors were asked to look at the construction sector through their own lenses. This resulted in more than 250 pictures, of which 3 winners received a brand new camera.

The entire campaign was produced by the design and stragegic teams of Kwin, while Eyes-Screen took care of the video part. Thanks to a diversified media mix with online campaign videos, print productions, radio spots, online & social advertising, influencer videos and… an amazing team at Embuild, records were broken: moire construction sites, more visitors and countless eyes on the construction sector…

openwervendag 2023
openwervendag 2023
openwervendag 2023
openwervendag 2023
openwervendag 2023